(1) Basic concept of the curriculum organization, teaching methods, learning methods, learning processes, and evaluation of learning outcomes to develop expertise, R&D skills, and other skills
The master’s program helps students to develop a wide range of basic academic skills in chemistry and the ability to perceive issues from a broad perspective and acquire the basic skills for research and providing guidance on technological and educational issues in their specialized fields. In order to achieve this educational goal, the curriculum focuses on lectures, research, and seminars.
In order to acquire broad basic academic skills in chemistry, one of the requirements for program completion is to take several interdisciplinary courses in advanced chemistry that are not specialized fields for the student. In addition, Physics and Chemistry departments established interdisciplinary courses, which help students of Physics and Chemistry majors acquire knowledge from a broader perspective and to conduct practical research. Many of the specialized courses include intensive courses taught by external experts to help students acquire basic to advanced knowledge in a short period of time.
In the first year, students in each group will participate in seminars to study literature of a foreign language and conduct their own research projects on advanced subjects. The seminars require students to read and summarize literature written in a foreign language, give a presentation, and answer questions to develop those skills. In addition, research courses help students acquire not only knowledge and technique but also global skills such as collecting and analyzing information and solving problems.
In the second year, students will work on writing their master’s thesis based on the knowledge and experience they have acquired. At the end of the year, students will give presentations on research findings in the thesis presentation event.
The doctoral program aims to develop individuals who can uniquely identify and develop research projects from a wide perspective and leaders who can conduct research and provide technical and educational guidance on various topics in their specialized fields from a broad perspective based on their research experience while continuing to develop their skills. Students will pursue their own research to achieve this goal. In addition, the program aims to help students acquire the ability to conduct research activities as independent researchers and to engage in international discussions on research subjects. Students are expected to present their research findings at international conferences and publish them as original papers in international journals. Students must complete a doctoral dissertation by the end of their third year and give a public presentation of the dissertation for the degree application.