List of Academic Staff

  • 伊藤 隆
    Yutaka ITO
    Affiliation laboratoryOrganic and Structural Biochemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordNMR Structural Biochemistry (methodological study on NMR of biopolymers)
  • 歸家 令果
    Reika KANYA
    Affiliation laboratoryPhysical Chemistry of Molecular Structure and Reaction
    Specialized field, KeywordPhysical Chemistry, Molecular Science, Atomic and Molecular Optical Physics, Strong Photon Field Science
  • 楠本 周平
    Shuhei KUSUMOTO
    Affiliation laboratorySynthetic Organic Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordOrgano main group chemistry, Organometallic chemistry
  • 杉浦 健一
    Ken-ichi SUGIURA
    Affiliation laboratoryCoordination Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordSynthetic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry(Molecular design and synthesis of macromolecules inspired by natural products, molecular electronics, molecular wires, design and synthesis of novel π-electron conjugated systems)
  • 竹川 暢之
    Nobuyuki TAKEGAWA
    Affiliation laboratoryEnvironmental Geochemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordAtmospheric chemistry (aerosol, air pollution, climate change, real-time particle analysis)
  • 中谷 直輝
    Naoki NAKATANI
    Affiliation laboratoryTheoretical and Computational Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordTheoretical calculations of density matrix renormalization groups, tensor networks, transition metal complexes, and catalysts
  • 野村 琴広
    Kotohiro NOMURA
    Affiliation laboratoryOrganic Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordSynthetic Chemistry (Fine Organic Synthesis Based on Molecular Catalyst Chemistry)
  • 廣瀬 靖
    Yasushi HIROSE
    Affiliation laboratorySolid State Physical Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordSolid State Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Thin Film Technology (oxide electronics, mixed-anion compounds, widegap semiconductor)
  • 廣田 耕志
    Kouji HIROTA
    Affiliation laboratoryBiochemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordGenetics/Biochemistry (Regulation of genetic information with a focus on chromatin)
  • 山添 誠司
    Seiji YAMAZOE
    Affiliation laboratoryInorganic Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordInorganic chemistry, cluster science, catalytic chemistry, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, functional inorganic materials (metal/metal oxide clusters, device materials, catalysts)
  • 池谷 鉄兵
    Teppei IKEYA
    OccupationAssociate Professor
    Affiliation laboratoryOrganic and Structural Biochemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordStructural biochemistry (NMR method, computational chemistry, bioinformatics)
  • 石田 真敏
    Masatoshi ISHIDA
    OccupationAssociate Professor
    Affiliation laboratoryCoordination Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordFunctional Dye Chemistry, Metal-π conjugated compound, Metalloporphyrin, Near-Infrared Light, Phototherapy
  • 大浦 泰嗣
    Yasuji OURA
    OccupationAssociate Professor
    Affiliation laboratoryInorganic Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordNuclear and Radiochemistry (Activation Analysis, Environmental Radioactivity), Cosmochemistry (Meteorites, Cosmogenic Nuclides, Accelerator Mass Spectrometry)
  • 岡 大地
    Daichi OKA
    OccupationAssociate Professor
    Affiliation laboratorySolid State Physical Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordSolid state chemistry (oxides, mixed-anion compounds, epitaxial thin films, semiconductors, superconductors, ferroelectrics, ferromagnets)
  • 奥村 拓馬
    Takuma OKUMURA
    OccupationAssistant professor
    Affiliation laboratoryPhysical Chemistry of Molecular Structure and Reaction
    Specialized field, KeywordPhysical Chemistry, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Exotic Atoms
  • 河底 秀幸
    Hideyuki KAWASOKO
    OccupationAssociate professor
    Affiliation laboratoryInorganic Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordSolid state chemistry, Solid state physics, Electrochemistry
  • 久冨木 志郎
    Shiro KUBUKI
    OccupationAssociate Professor
    Affiliation laboratoryIsotope Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordInorganic material chemistry (Mössbauer spectroscopy, development of functional glass-ceramics)
  • 田岡 万悟
    Masato TAOKA
    OccupationAssociate Professor
    Affiliation laboratoryBiochemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordBiochemistry/Biological Material Analytical Chemistry (Protein/Peptide/RNA)
  • 茂木 信宏
    Nobuhiro MOTEKI
    OccupationAssociate professor
    Affiliation laboratoryEnvironmental Geochemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordAtmospheric chemistry, Atmospheric radiation, Particle measurement techniques
  • Mohamed Mehawed Abdellatif
    Mohamed Mehawed Abdellatif
    OccupationAssociate Professor
    Affiliation laboratoryOrganic Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordSynthetic Polymer Chemistry (Precise Synthesis of Functional Polymers)
  • 秋山 和彦
    Kazuhiko AKIYAMA
    OccupationAssistant professor
    Affiliation laboratoryIsotope Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordNuclear/radiochemistry (endohedral metallofullerenes, superheavy element chemistry, lanthanides, actinides)
  • 芝本 幸平
    OccupationAssistant professor
    Affiliation laboratoryEnvironmental Geochemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordAnalytical Chemistry, Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Nanoparticles
  • 下山 大輔
    Daisuke SHIMOYAMA
    OccupationAssistant professor
    Affiliation laboratoryOrganic Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordOrganic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry
  • 中谷 佳萌
    OccupationAssistant professor
    Affiliation laboratoryTheoretical and Computational Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordQuantum chemistry, Chemical bonding theory
  • 平林 一徳
    Kazunori HIRABAYASHI
    OccupationAssistant professor
    Affiliation laboratorySynthetic Organic Chemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordSynthesis of new high-period main group element compounds and development of organic synthesis reactions that make use of the characteristics of high-period main group elements (Organic Synthetic Chemistry, Organic Main Group Element Chemistry)
  • 松本 淳
    OccupationAssistant professor
    Affiliation laboratoryPhysical Chemistry of Molecular Structure and Reaction
    Specialized field, KeywordPhysical Chemistry, Atomic and Molecular Physics
  • 三澤 健太郎
    Kentaro MISAWA
    OccupationAssistant professor
    Affiliation laboratoryEnvironmental Geochemistry
    Specialized field, Keywordatmospheric chemistry, laser spectroscopy
  • 吉川 聡一
    Soichi KIKKAWA
    OccupationAssistant professor
    Affiliation laboratoryInorganic Chemistry
    Specialized field, Keywordcatalytic chemistry, electrochemistry, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy
  • 為則 雄祐
    Yusuke Tamenori
    OccupationProfessor(Concurrent post)
    Affiliation laboratoryOrganization for Research Promotion Specialized field
    Specialized field, KeywordX-ray analysis, Soft X-ray analysis, Synchrotron radiation X-ray measurement
  • 小宮 三四郎
    Sanshiro KOMIYA
    OccupationSpecially Appointed Professor
    Affiliation laboratoryOrganic Chemistry
    Specialized field, Keywordorganometallic chemistry
  • 川澄 遼太郎
    Ryotaro KAWASUMI
    OccupationProject Assistant Professor
    Affiliation laboratoryBiochemistry
    Specialized field, Keyword
  • 延 優子
    Yuko NOBE
    OccupationProject researcher
    Affiliation laboratoryBiochemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordMass spectrometry of biochemistry and biopolymers (proteins and RNA)
    OccupationProject researcher
    Affiliation laboratoryBiochemistry
    Specialized field, KeywordMolecular biology, chromosome